I've been promoted from group 119 to group 92. Slowly climbing up the 4th division. This is my new line up. Most of the player still young, energetic and very telented. You can jugde them from their fitness attributes. 80 and above accept J. Klinsman 56. He is still young and still required stamina promotion training.
If you carefully look at the list of my players, most of them are Germans players. I really like german's team. Accept Melberg (sweedish), Keane (irish), akmal (malaysian), carlos (brazilian), campo (i'm not sure from where: but ex-bolton)
I feel that, this season will be more competetive, I've met at least 3 teams previously. Rival from the previous leagues. But i'm still aiming to join division 3 for the next 5-6 seasons.