Paroi Muchen has been promoted to group 374 in 4th Division. So far after 9 matches, paroi munchen is standing in 6th place with 5W 3D 1L. Paroi Muchen still have the best deffender line up.

The latest game, Paroi Munchen win 4-0 gainst clifton cloggers.Most of the scorers are the young player Sauffee and Shamsul.
This is the new line up for Paroi Muchen in this season. I've recruited a young player such as Kahn Junior for a Goal Keeper to replace Oliver Khan in the next season. Frank Lampard also a young player which has a great potential and bright prospect. Lampard will play in the middle. John Terry is a new comer for the defender position. He is still undergo the basic training and improving their stamina before I can put him in the first team. Shamsul and Sauffee also a young player and now have shown a lot of improvement and has been selected in the first eleven. This young player has replaced the senior player who have played in the last season. Check it in the previous blog.
Retirement:Salihamidzic, Ashley Cole and Ivan Campo
This the latest first eleven line up. Akmal and Sauffee will lead team as a strikers. Campos, Klose, Shamsul and Lampard played as a midfielder, and lastly, carlos, effenberg, melberg and neville played as a deffender. Effenberg previously played in the middle and become among the main scorer but due the age factor, now he will lead the defender as a central defender.